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Olymp Electronic / News / The Fotolia TEN Collection presents the second pair of international artists.

The Fotolia TEN Collection presents the second pair of international artists.

The Fotolia TEN Collection presents the second pair of international artists.

For the third edition of the TEN Collection, Fotolia has completely renewed the format: instead of 10 artists, one every month, for this new season has brought together 5 pairs of artists – a photographer and a digital artist for couples – of international renown. Without ever having had business contacts, and with different cultural roots and linguistic backgrounds, couples are asked to create a work that represents their vision of the future. An Italian photographer, Lucia Giacani and a digital artist Polish Mateusz Chmura, aka MatCloud , are the protagonists of the second round of this year’s TEN.

The PSD of their creation entitled “Clean Inside” can be downloaded for free for 24 hours, Friday, May 9 on


“Clean Inside” the cult of the perfect body

“What could we get to sacrifice for a body in perfect health, and what is the dividing line must not be exceeded? This is the crux of “Clean Inside”. Our artists TEN believe that the achievement of a “healthy lifestyle” has become a cult, where the concept of ideal body and a way of life is constantly pure sponsored by politicians, doctors and media.

“ Nowadays the prayer has been replaced by detox diets-all in the name of purification from a polluted environment that harms our bodies , “says MatCloud. “the protagonist of creation suffers almost as a martyr, his organs showing almost as if they were a badge, a medal or devotion to the Sacred Heart , “said Lucia Giacani. MatCloud has created the effect of “ice” overlapping textures and external levels. “

Two complementary talents

The collaboration between the two artists has created an inspiration to each other. Lucy, lives in Milan and freelance photographer, took the opportunity to realize some of his creative ideas. “ Before you attend the TEN I already have ideas in mind but I needed a 3D artist. The TEN Collection has arrived at the right time . “

Cultural difference has added a creative force in this project. For MatCloud, this exchange of techniques and experiences sparked a new level of creativity completely different. “ Lucy and I are already discussing other ideas to be developed in the future and we are really excited by the idea to start working together. “


About the artists

Lucia Giacani, the interface of fashion and surrealism

Giacani Lucia is a freelance photographer based in Milan, the passion of photography has been passed down from his father.

His professional growth, it has developed during adolescence, when taking pictures with friends near Jesi. Years later, Lucy has made known his world in magazines like Vanity Fair, Vogue and Leather Jewelry.

The Italian culture is deeply rooted in her and in her work, and believes that it was his country gave her the determination to stay focused and never take anything for granted. Like any photographer, lives in a surreal world where the subconscious mind is the basis of his work, be inspired by Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism, and other artists such as Francesca Woodman, Steven Klein and Tim Walker.

Mateusz Chmura, the artist with his head in the clouds

Mateusz Chmura, known as MatCloud (the translation of his surname means cloud), admits that often has his head in the clouds. “ I like astrarmi from it all, to go beyond the present, to the feigned and the universe. A bit ‘as we say in the clouds … “

The artist grew up attending the Polish National Opera in Warsaw, where his father worked, props and other accessories have fueled the young minds and imaginations of Mateusz. “ The environment around me has had a major impact on my imagination and helped me to develop my creativity already at a very young age. Every day I was constantly inspired by this . “

Today MatCloud is a freelance multidisciplinary artist – graphic designer, product designer, art director, photographer – who likes to work on fantastic themes and real, in all its work and in its publications. The artist combines all these techniques to get the final result of his creations: tangible expressions of intangible ideas.

We learn from the artists

We learn from the artists and discover the creative processes, techniques and tricks on through the video tutorials available on May 9. May 9 will be also downloaded the PSD “Clean Inside” which will be released complete with all the layers, filters and settings used. Images taken during the preparation of the work will be available for sale on

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